World Massage Festival &
Massage Therapy Hall of Fame

July 12-14, 2024 - AMC
July 14-18 2024 - WMF
Harrah's Cherokee Casino Resort
Cherokee, NC

Our Mission Statement: To honor those who built the bridges for our profession,
to educate the general public about massage, to educate therapists
about different types of massage and to have fun.

Morgan Strong

Morgan is a licensed massage therapist and bodywork educator in NY State. He is the owner of Integrative Manual Bodywork, a practice that focuses on pain management, injury recovery, and life in general. Morgan takes an integrative approach to manual therapy, specializing in cupping and Manual Lymph Drainage. He is a Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Advanced Lymphedema Management, working with all types of post-operative and lymphatic compromised clients.

As an educator, Morgan brings a passion and enthusiasm to his classes that is hard to match. He mixes high energy with depth of knowledge to immerse students in a creative and educational experience. His focus is on enhancing skills and helping each therapist grow in their own unique styles. He is a Board Approved Continuing Education Provider through NCBTMB, providing live classes and webinars throughout the country. He is an instructor with Advanced BodyWork Education, LMT Success Group, and is on the faculty with The Academy of Lymphatic Studies and ASIS Massage Education

Integrative Cupping: Foundations
8 CE Credit Hours

Integrative Cupping: Foundations Are you looking for a way to help you achieve better bodywork? A way to work smarter, not harder? A new tool that is just as beneficial for clients as it is for self care? This class is for you!!

Integrative Cupping will give you the foundations and knowledge to start cupping!! Skills learned in this class can be applied quickly and easily to any style massage. Learn the science and techniques that make cupping such a wonderful and versatile tool. This class discusses the theories of negative pressure and how cupping affects different body systems, as well as the benefits, contraindications, and precautions for cupping as bodywork. Students practice hands-on application of cups, working with various pressure levels and techniques. This class goes over the use of different glass, silicon, and polycarbonate cups and the best applications for each. "Fire Cupping" will not be taught in this class.

Students will need 1 set of cups (silicon recommended) and to provide their own set of sheets, oil, and a hand towel for class.