  • Each Massage Therapist can participate in 1 or 2 categories
  • Participants must wear sports shoes, sports pants or yoga pants, T-shirts etc..
  • Shoes are not allowed in Thai Yoga Massage.
  • Participants MUST bring their own equipment (including table/chair), sheets, towels, tools, lotions, etc..
  • The recipient of the massage must wear underwear at all times and have covered their chest (if she is a woman). Any area which is not being worked on must be covered/draped.
  • No cameras are allowed during the rounds and the final. Unauthorized use of cameras and recordings can result in expulsion.
  • Insurance – It is your own insurance that covers both you and the participant you treat during the competition and proof of insurance must accompany your application. YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO COMPETE IF YOU HAVE NOT PROVIDED US WITH A COPY OF YOUR CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE.
  • There is an absolute zero tolerance policy concerning inappropriate behavior. Any massage of sensual/sexual nature would result in immediate disqualification and expulsion from the Championship.
  • All participants are required to receive massage, as well as giving massages. If necessary, the World Massage Festival will arrange for suitable candidates/massage recipients in particular cases.
  • No chiropractic and osteopathic manipulations are allowed during the competition.
  • MASKING & VACCINATION POLICY: UNLESS IT IS REQUIRED BY HARRAHS CHEROKEE, face masks and/or COVID vaccinations will NOT be required to participate in the American Massage Championship. By the same token, if you prefer to wear a mask, please feel free to do so. This is a personal decision. Whatever YOUR particular choice, the World Massage Festival WILL NOT tolerate any harassment – either by those wearing a mask/vaccinated or those choosing not to wear a mask/unvaccinated. THIS POLICY WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED!! Any violation by anyone causing ANY trouble at all with someone else over their mask/vaccine decision will be met with IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT REMOVAL from the American Massage Championship. THERE WILL BE ZERO TOLERANCE OF THIS! By registering for the American Massage Championship, you are agreeing to abide by this policy and any outcome decided solely at the discretion of the promoters and owners of the World Massage Festival and the American Massage Championships.
Massage categories:
  • Western Swedish Massage (sports massage, MFR, MET, neuromuscular techniques, stretching etc.)
  • Classic European Swedish Massage (In this category there are no tools, no stools, no stretching, no forearms, no kneeling. Techniques should be complete, clean and flow seamlessly from one technique to another.)
  • Asian massage (Thai massage, Shiatsu, Tui Na, Ayurveda etc.)
  • Wellness massage (Hot Stone, Aromatherapy, spa massage, lymph drainage, holistic massage etc)
  • Free style massage (Western inspired) (Combination of different types of western massage methods, self-treatment, mobilization, cupping, massage with tools, bodywork etc.)
  • Free style massage (Eastern inspired) Combination of different types of Asian massage methods (Shiatsu, Acupressure, Thai massage, cupping, massage with tools, etc.)
  • Sports massage (Deep-Tissue massage, MFR, MET, neuromuscular techniques, stretching etc.)
  • Chair massage (both Western and Eastern inspired massage)
  • Facial massage (Japanese facelifting, Gua Sha, Classical facial spa treatment ect.)
  • Facial massage without chemical peels, extractions, etc.
  • Clinical massage ( 60 minutes + interviews. You must show that you can assess and treat a problem area, demonstrate/explain how and why the treatment type was a good choice, exhibit efficacy)
Participants are informed that the judges at the competition are capable of evaluating the individual treatment and please note, that a treatment can be placed in several categories. The Free Style Category has been split into 2 categories for the 2025 Championship.
Competition area:
The competition area is divided into 6 massage areas. Participants must provide their own equipment (tables, mats, chairs, etc.) Participants will be divided into groups of three. The location of table or mattress for each participant will be chosen by lot. Duration of each round is 65 minutes (including examination).
Participants have approximately 5 minutes to examine the receiver before the massage is given. The recipient of the massage will be asked to hand out points from 1-15 for the treatment, especially pressure depth and adaption are to be taken into consideration.
The Judges:
In the preliminary rounds, the Judges are constituted by members of the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame. The Judges may issue 1-3 wildcards for the Finale. Judges will evaluate the participants in the following areas with a point system:
  • Techniques
  • Ergonomics
  • Flow
  • Innovation and Development of new methods
  • Client contact
  • Recipient feedback
The participants cannot expect feedback and score results from the judges neither during or after the competition. All decisions regarding the competition are made collective within the group of Judges – this is to make sure the competition is as fair as possible.
The Final:
  • The Duration of the Final is 65 minutes.
  • Spectators who are trained Massage Therapists are able to hand out 1 point each.
  • Massage recipients (Professional and highly educated Massage Therapists) hand up to 6 points depending on their experience of the massage they receive.
  • The head judges are able to hand out 3 points each.
  • The Winner will be the Massage Therapist who gets the most points, and he/she is appointed as the American Massage Champion.
  • The Overall Gold Medal Winner will get a free registration to the next World Massage Festival and AMC. Winners can only attend the WMF and AMC which are held immediately after their win. For example, a winner of a competition in June, 2025 only gets free admission to the July, 2025 WMF and AMC. The win cannot be carried over to the 2026 Festival.
How can one compete in the Championships?
  • At the American Massage Championships, focus is on examination, techniques, ergonomics and overall performance in each category – judged by specialists and highly experienced judges in the specific category.
  • By “The flow of the massage” means a continuous non-stop movement and variation of techniques performed by the therapist.
  • Ergonomics: How does the therapists use their own bodies (work environment) and their remedies (Massage tables etc)
  • Techniques: Different techniques used in each category. Innovative and effective techniques for both therapist and client.
  • The judges will each evaluate the participants in their field of expertise in close cooperation with other judges. The recipients in the final are also judges, and will give up to 6 points for the treatment as well.
NOTE: Lectures, the preliminary rounds and the final, as well as prize giving will be recorded and used for future marketing on social media. Please, follow the International Massage Association on their website or on Facebook: for further updates.
If you are interested in competing in 2025, REGISTER HERE! If you are interested in being a judge in 2025, REGISTER HERE!
Refer TWO new therapists (who have never attended AMC before) and once they have registered, paid and checked in for the competition, your registration fee will be refunded!