James Waslaski is an Author & International Lecturer who teaches approximately 40 seminars per year around the globe. He’s served as AMTA Sports massage Chair and FSMTA Professional Relations Chair. He’s developed 8 Orthopedic Massage and Sports Injury DVDs, and authored manuals on Advanced Orthopedic Massage and Client Self Care. His new book, Clinical Massage Therapy: A Structural Approach to Pain Management was published by Pearson Education in 2011. James presents at state, national and international massage, chiropractic, and osteopathic conventions including keynote addresses at the FSMTA, World of Wellness, New England Regional Conference, the World Massage Festival, and Australian National Massage Conventions. His audience includes massage and physical therapists as well as athletic trainers, chiropractors, osteopaths, nurses and physicians. He is a certified personal trainer with NASM. James received the 1999 FSMTA International Achievement Award and was inducted into the 2008 Massage Therapy Hall of Fame.
Integrated Manual Therapy & Orthopedic Massage for Lower Body Extremities
Participants will use modalities such as functional assessment, myofascial release, posturology, neuromuscular therapy, scar tissue immobilization, myoskeletal alignment, P.N.F. stretching and strengthening in a very precise order.  This unique presentation will address the clinical approach to assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of the lumbar spine, hip, SI joint, pelvis and conditions in the lower extremity immediately and permanently. Lower Body Conditions addressed are; Low Back Pain, Sciatica, SI Joint Pain, Frozen Hips, Bulging Discs, Patella femoral Pain, Patella Tendinosis, Chondromalacia, IT Band Friction Syndrome, Fixated Posterior Fibular Head Pain, Abnormal Knee Rotation, Medial & Lateral Collateral Ligament Sprains, Medial and Lateral Meniscus Tears, ACL & PCL Sprains, Hamstring Strains, Popliteal Pain, Plantaris Strains, plantarfasciitis, Achilles tendinosis, posterior medial shin pain, anterior lateral shin pain, anterior lateral compartment syndrome, fallen arches, hyper-pronated feet, ankle sprains and strains, bunions, hammer toes, neuromas, and joint arthritis
Integrated Manual Therapy & Orthopedic Massage for Cervical Conditions
ased on myofascial pain studies presented at Harvard Medical School and tendonitis vs. tendinosis research dating back to 1946, participants will learn new techniques that will forever change the way they approach myofascial, trigger point, and tendon pain. These innovative structurally-oriented routines offer pain-free multi-modality methods for achieving immediate and permanent results for Rotator Cuff Injuries, Shoulder Impingement, Bursitis, Pectoralis Minor Tendinosis, Bicipital Tendinosis, Rhomboid Pain, and Thoracic Outlet. Participants will also take a detailed look at “Multiple Crush Phenomenon”: The Role that cervical conditions play on weakness, numbness and tingling into the shoulder, arms and hands. Ground-breaking Frozen Shoulder corrections will highlight this dynamic interactive workshop. James will incorporate dazzling 3-D functional anatomy and human dissection models to support his multi-disciplinary approach for assessment, treatment, and self-care of each condition.  This dynamic multimedia presentation entails theory, real case studies, and 70% hands-on training.